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Just a little rant…

So, turns out I am pretty passionate about Jesus and the church. Ah… but seriously. I am tired of hearing people say,”I love Jesus, but I don’t like the church”, or something close to that. Maybe you have heard that… or maybe you have even said that yourself. I have two challenges to that thought. … Continue reading

How do you see God now? … how about now?

This week I was reading through my Life Journal and Bible reading plan and I began to read the book of Job. It is not the first time that I have read the book of Job, but as I was reading it I was simply stunned at the integrity of Job displayed in the first … Continue reading

Mmm… Yummy!

  Now this makes me want to spend money! I am an unashamed Apple fanatic! I love their products and love their design. This is the new Macbook in all of it’s glory… just let it sink in… let it woo you… let it draw you TO GO into debt! No, just kidding… it starts … Continue reading

Ever Wonder…

What you would look like if you grew up in a different time? Well, now you don’t have to wonder… this great site yearbookyourself.com enables you to upload a picture of yourself and with a few edits and adjustments, place your picture in the frame of another to make some wild time warping occur. Check … Continue reading

Fender Bender

So… As my family was leaving for vacation I got into an embarrassing fender bender! My mom was parked next to me, and she backed up but stopped behind me because she didn’t have enough space to make the complete back out. My vehicle was packed to the ceiling with luggage and I could not … Continue reading